Wednesday, March 29, 2017

March, 29 2017
In my article it talks about the Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch. Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell stated that he will be confirmed to the Supreme Court next Friday, "confidently dismissing Democratic efforts to block the nominee knowing the GOP can use the "nuclear option" to get past the Democrats' filibuster if needed." If the nuclear option passes, than the Senate will only need 51 people to over rule the filibuster. Senior Democrats have stated that they hope that not all Republicans back McConnell's use of the nuclear option.

This is related to Ap Government because right now we are talking about the Senate and filibusters. We have also been talking about the nomination process of Neil Gorsuch. We have spent the last couple of days talking about the happenings in the Senate and how it works.

Personally I feel that Neil Gorsuch sounds like a strong nominee and he will do very well constituting the law in the Supreme Court. But think that the nuclear option sounds very unconstitutional. It makes me think that the Republicans don't care about the people who don't want Neil Gorsuch in the Supreme Court because they're just over riding it. Like they don't exist. But if the confirmation process is fairly conducted, and the Republicans find eight Democrats to override the filibuster, then that sounds more American to me.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

March 22, 2017
In this article it talks about President Trumps recent Supreme court nominee Neil Gorsuch. Gorsuch was heard by a committee of Senators today and was hammered on many different issues. On most of the issues Gorsuch would state, "I have declined to offer any promises, hints or previews of how I’d resolve any case." As it says in the article, "Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut said Gorsuch’s refusal to explicitly endorse key Supreme Court privacy rulings leaves doubt in the minds of millions of Americans.” Although Gorsuch has made his political opinion a mystery, Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch says that he hasn't seen a better nominee in 40 years in the Senate. The article then goes on and states that no Democrat has pledged to support the judge yet. Although the Republicans control the Senate 52-48, the Republicans would still need a vote of 60 or more to confirm the nominee.

This is related to my Ap Government class because we are talking about the judiciary system right now. Even today we talked about the 8 Supreme court justices, who appointed them, and when they were confirmed. We also talked about Neil Gorsuch and his hearing was happening during our class and all today.

There isn't a lot to say on this issue but I think that Neil Gorsuch sounds like a level headed man and I think if he becomes a Supreme court justice he will be a originalist and "live by the law." But one thing I don't really understand is why Supreme court justices serve life long terms. I think that as our civil rights and laws leaders we can't have the same people voting on different issues the same ways. Since everyone else in Government doesn't serve life long terms I don't think that the people in our Supreme Court should. They should serve something like an Eight year long term and they don't have to worry about getting kicked out after making a decision. After their term a new judge is appointed.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

March 15, 2017 Weekly Blog Post
My article
In this article, entrepreneur, Mark Cuban talks about how he feels the Trump administration is doing right now and if there is a possibility that he could run for President in 2020. In an interview on CNN Mark Cuban tells Jake Tapper, "Trump has No leadership skills. No management skills. Not very good communication skills." But he continues and says, "He's obviously had an impact on the economy so he gets credit for that. People believe in what he's doing on the tax front." When asked if Cuban will run for president in the 2020 election, assuming it would be against Trump, Cuban doesn't swat it down. He said he wouldn't want to say no but that being the President of the United States isn't goal of his.

In Ap Government and politics we talked about campaign finance. If Mark Cuban were to run for President I would assume that he would be able to use a lot of money for advertisements and rally's therefore giving him an advantage somewhat because of his wealth.

I personally do not feel that Mark Cuban would be a good president. With no previous political history (similar to Trump) I think he isn't fit for the job. I realize he is probably a good decision maker because of his wealth and investments but I think he isn't mature enough. Trump hasn't messed up anything really bad yet so I think if Cuban were to run for president it could be possible for them to run against each other which would be real interesting. Mark Cuban would be good with economics and creating jobs but I think that his expertise is specifically limited.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Week 4 Blog Post

Week 4 Blog post
My article
In this article it talks about the idea of removing Iraq from the Trump administration's list of banned countries. The reason for this being that Iraq has been a main role in the fight against ISIS. The article states, "Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly also supported the move, but it remains unclear whether the White House has made a final decision." It says the new executive order is expected to be released later this week and that legal permanent residents (green card holders) are excluded from any travel ban, and those with validly issued visas will also be exempt from the ban.

This relates to my AP Government class with regards of Public policy and that Trumps administration is also listening and reacting to public opinion. Trumps executive order is a great example of public policy. In class we have talked about how public opinion can affect public policy but also that public policy can steer away from public opinion.

I think that terrorism is a very important issue in our society but we need a different way to solve it. By banning all of the people from those middle east countries we are taking away their chance of freedom and safety. America was a country built by immigrants and even though Trump is trying to protect our freedom I don't think that its fair for him to take theirs. Without immigration America wouldn't be as diverse and sophisticated as we are today. I think we need to put more money and time into the background screenings of people traveling to the US from those countries instead of just banning them all for being of the same religion as terrorists.